She Lost 16 Pounds and 10 Inches with the 17 Day Diet Challenge!

Meet Christine…Our Latest 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner!

As many of you know, we host quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges in order to help ensure you all reach your weight loss goals! These challenges are a ton of fun for us to host and also extremely beneficial for you since it provides an extra layer of motivation and accountability.

I’m so happy to report that our August Challenge helped over 200 people lose more than 500 pounds! This made is so hard to pick just one winner because  there were so many amazing wins and transformations.

But, today I am extremely excited to introduce you to our August 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner, Christine!

A true example of what sticking to your goals can accomplish…

Christine participated in both of our weight loss challenges this year, and lost 16 pounds(!!) in this challenge alone! She was also extremely active and helpful in the Cycle One Challenge Community.

Here’s what Christine had to say about participating in the challenge:

“I had previously done C1 and C2 of the diet years ago and had success with it. When I heard about the challenge I thought it was an awesome way of staying motivated and also a way to learn from others experiences.

It’s been a huge part of why I think I have been more successful this time around. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive. I like that fact that we can be cheerleaders for each other and share our ups and downs. It has been a wonderful experience and I feel like I have gained many friends in the process.

Thank you again to Dr. Mike and his team :)”

Congrats, Christine! Thank you for being such an active member of our community and setting such a great example for the rest of us.

Because of her accomplishment, Christine received a $50 Amazon gift card and 1-on-1 coaching call with me where we outlined her plan for the next 3 months to ensure she reaches the rest of her goals.

Join us for the next 17 Day Diet Challenge!  

Interested in joining us for the next challenge? Get all the details and sign up here.

The next challenge will begin on Monday, November 5th, and end on Wednesday, November 21st, right before the US Thanksgiving Weekend. This one is going to be even bigger and better than our previous ones.

 Scroll down to see some of the other amazing transformations from the August Challenge:





Get all the details and sign-up for the OFFICIAL 17 Day Diet Challenge here.

Dr. Mike Diet
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